Saturday, December 27, 2008


After a horrible response for my last blog, I was not feeling like writing another one, but true to my character I am following my newly gained passion of writing. Some contents used in this are of my friends, and rest all are mine.
Biggest feeling of satisfaction for me is to be a reason of smile for someone.Whatever this smile will cost, it will be worth to spend for this. And to give surprises to any person on any day is something that I like a lot. It all started with me in fact. One of my friends, asked me to accompany her for shopping on my birthday in Pune. It was quite obvious for me to guess that this shopping was going to be for me only. We finished our shopping, but one thing that was annoying me was absence of my another friend who was supposed to give company to us. Later on I came to know that she has swelling in her leg due to some accident. So the friend who was accompanying me asked me to come to her home for a visit. I was not aware what this visit had in store for me. When I reached her home then I came to know what it all was about. And I got a nice surprise over there.
Second incidence is for my friend's birthday. I asked for a bouquet from the market to be delivered to her home, at a time when we would already be there, so that she can not figure it out who is behind this. I along with one of my friend reached her home. I was expecting that bouquet after 15 minutes, but that did not come. I asked my friend to excuse me for a moment, as I need to go to market due to some reason. As per my expectation she was not aware of any of my plan, so she did not pay a heed to this. At that time load shedding was also going on, so it was pitch dark outside. As I left her house to go to the market I saw a person standing outside with bouquet, I asked him why are you not going inside to deliver this? As soon as he heard this from me, he started walking along with me as I turned to my friend's house. I instructed him to come after 2 minutes, otherwise there would be no meaning of surprise. But that fellow came inside the house without ringing the bell, and behind me only. This was enough for my intelligent friend to guess whose mastermind was behind this, and thus that fellow spoiled my plan to give her a good surprise. Third incident is also with same friend when I send a cake to her, by mistake I wrote my number on the address slip, and the fellow who was delivering that cake did not remove the address slip from that packet. I got a call from her, she was thanking me for the cake. I asked her why she is thanking me? She told me about my foolishness. And again a spoiled plan.
Last incident is very recent. This belongs to a surprise that is yet to be delivered. It is one of my friend's birthday in Bangalore. Me along with some of my friends decided to send gift for her. We did not have her address. So I took this responsibility to gather her address, without letting her know why I am asking this. On GTalk I asked her that one of friend is coming to Bangalore and in case of any need she might call you, could you please pass me on your address, so that when she will be in Bangalore, she can go to your place. As per this genuine request she gave me the address, but along with a news, that she has temporarily moved to her sister's place. Now the challenge for me to get her sister's address without giving her a slight clue, why do I need this?
I got that as well, along with her office address as well. Then we planned to send a surprise for her. We contacted one of our friend in Bangalore, and asked her to deliver a gift to her. Which she should get on her birhthday only that is 28th Dec. I am not sure by the time she will read this, she will get that or not. But I am sure for my friend in Bangalore, that he will fulfill his role and will make sure that she will get her gift well within time.
According to me smile on that person's face for 2 second Worth this much headache. Hope the best for each and every reader of this blog.

1 comment:

Prerna said...

I can testify that your little surprises definitely bring a big smile on your friends' face !!!!!