Sunday, January 17, 2010

I too had a love story....

I too had a love story………….
Don’t take it literally; I know it might surprise you all. How out of the blue(no I did not copy this from super hit movie BLUE) I changed my regular stream of blogging.
I was in search of a topic for my blog from past few days. Today when I joined an application on facebook, which was claiming to tell me my luck percentage of today, I did not have any slighter clue, that today I will be writing another blog.
A few days back I started reading a book, which was appearing like any other love story which now a days lot many Indian authors are writing. But somehow I was not getting time to finish that book. Moreover to add salt to wound, I was loosing badminton games from Aashu on the daily basis. So after returning from badminton games I was not feeling like reading that book. When the luck meter shown to me that I am 76% lucky today, I thought lets try another game of badminton with Ashu. No point of guessing that I was boosted with this application’s response (76% lucky). I called Aashu for the game, but somehow he did not make it to the badminton court. Having a lot of time at my disposal to spend, I again tried to read this book. And this time I completed the book.
After reading this book now I can say this book was worth missing some of my badminton games. A love story in which fiancee of the author died just few days after their scheduled engagement date. Moreover the author was not able to see her during her last days. Reading this book I can understand how it can be to lose someone whom you love so passionately. Thinking of this situation alone scares a hell out of me,
On a closing note I can say it is so much of pain to lose someone whom u love, be it friend, relatives, love or anyone who have any importance in your life. I have been through this feeling when I lost two of my dearest friends Shailesh and Gaurav, and to write that feeling in this blog do not seem possible to me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

daily struggle

It is really tough to bind the people with your writing. So to decide what to write or what not to write, it took almost 10 months to write something. By the time I will come up with another blog, I guess I would be more clear on my thoughts as what I am going to write in the blog. Starting 1-2 lines of the blog creates the impression on the reader as to read the blog or not. So I think without wasting much time I should come on to the point.
In chilled weather, it is really very tough to concentrate on anything other than consuming a lot of calories in the morning,afternoon,evening and night. And I am also not different. Other than doing the said task I keep on trying to burn these excess calories as well so that I shall not regain the fat which I used to carry earlier.
For the people who are living in Delhi(NCR) or who have an experience of Delhi's winter it will not be tough to predict the temperature at morning 5.30 . And this is the same time when my alarm goes off. It takes almost 10-15 minutes to decide for waking up at this call or not. Two factors which influence this decision are the alarm of my neighbors and my last day's schedule.
Now I am sure you people must be confused how these factors can influence my decision. If I had played badminton on previous day, then a feeling naturally comes to my mind, and the feeling is that I have already loose all the excess calories of previous day by playing badminton, so I can afford skipping the gym. And second factor is like we 3 friends go to gym in the morning, and if any one is alone he will not go to gym by leaving the comfort of sleeping. So by now it must be very clear to you that going to gym is a fight in winter season, but for me reaching the gym is a bigger fight.
In last one month I was on and off in the gym, but a day before yesterday one of my friends saw me and said hey Pankaj, have you stopped going to gym. Needless to say that then onwards I am hitting the gym regularly.