Monday, June 27, 2011

past 1 and half year

Well the first thing first, I am still very much alive. It is just that office work had taken better of me, so was much focusing on that. After working on so many late nights, one night I realized that we have got a life, and every day will only come once in our life, so it is up to us how do we want to spend it. If I am spending it sitting idle, that is a part of life wasted by me. To make the matter worse, I am making fool of myself, by not being productive.
Just 2 months back, I had decided, I will not work for more than 9 hours a day, suddenly things got bad to worse, and still working in the same old slogging way. I have my personal life too, this is what I was thinking just 2 months back, then there came a lot of people after putting a lot of stake on me, and it is just not me to show my back, and to betray their confidence. Hence again working for more than 9 hours a day, still kinda enjoying it.
Although I am writing this blog, I am still not sure, how long will it go, in what mood would I wake up tomorrow. Everyday, I am expecting a lot to finish in office, however, I reach home after finishing only 30% of what I was targeting. I know it is poor management of stuff. I will improve on it, I promise.
Since the time, I wrote the last blog, and now, a lot of my friends got married. Some of them are living happily, some are still searching for their better halves. I belong to the first category. Yes, you got it right, I met with my soul mate. Great news right.. so time to a days celebration for me means, going back to sleep.
I do not know how to look into these prospective of life, that I should be happy with whatever I am getting in my professional life, or I should not be happy, I should be starving for more? I guess better be satisfied, and starve and struggle for more.
Few people, who were very close friends of mine, with some or the other reason, I missed to attend their marriage. It was not something I wanted to do, but circumstances forced me to do so. Anubha, Ankit, Ananda, Raghvendra, Prachi,Abha Guys I wanted to attend it, and I still know what were the reasons, why I was not able to join. I do know, that I will not get an opportunity to correct this mistake however, I am ready to do anything for it, if there is anything which would make you happy for the blunder that I committed. Don't know in which direction this blog is heading, but I am sure, the next blog that I would write (yes very soon I would write it) would be more interesting, you guys will not find a reason after reading that, why you read that. Till then ta ta.. enjoy the gift of life, which is life itself..No limitless. challenge yourself daily.