Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Interview in Tech Mahindra(Key to Success)

This was the day when I got my first offer letter for any software company. Let me start this from the beginning when I got to know that MBT has posted some openings for fresher, and for which we have to apply online. My brother done it for me from his company,as he had net facility in his office.
The very next step of my strategy to get success in this episode of life was to ensure a call for written test from MBT (read Mahindra British Telecom). For this I contacted my cousin brother who was also in MBT, but in UK. My parents talked to them on my behalf. And I also talked with my Bhabhi, who was in IBM at that time, but she told me that she knows someone in MBT, and will talk to her.
At this moment too I am not sure who tried from their end(My cousin from UK or my bhabhi from IBM or my luck from GOD-SIDE), but anyhow I got a mail with subject "call for written test with MBT". For a moment i felt lucky to get this call. I wont say that from the starting of this episode that i was feeling that I will be selected in this company, otherwise this blog will appear too filmy to you.
Then I went for this written test in Noida. Allotted time was of 1 hour. And if rumors to be believed then paper was very tough(but in fact it was not), in which we have approx. 6 section and each individual section has its individual time limit, and a overall time limit of the complete paper as well. So before seeing the paper I was feeling as this going to be a crunch situation. Anyways I wrote the exam with full confidence in me(as my friend used to tell me that in Aptitude I can clear any exam). And that was all for that day, as MBT people told me that result will be declared in 1 weeks duration. So I left from that place.
Now waiting for the results to be announced we(I and Dheeraj) shifted our place from South ex to Lakshmi Nagar in Delhi. We were under this impression that we will get to know about our result through mail(this was told to us on the test date), but in Laksmi Nagar flat, on one fine afternoon I got a call of interview for the next day in MBT office, Noida.
I thought if I will be able to deliver this time then this will be my great chance.
So interview preparation started with a visit to cyber cafe to search about the company, what they are into exactly? In 1 hour I got a complete idea about this. Then some books here and some books there, and I was ready for the interview.
I reached there within time, and they asked me to wait till my name will be announced. From morning 11 Am to 4PM(I guess) i waited there. And if people to be believed they were asking very tough questions, and were not selecting any one at that time. I was feeling a little tensed, and as per the timing of Sachin's cover driver, they called my name for the interview.
Now I was in front of an interviewer praying from GOD that please don't ask these 2 questions 1- What I was doing for last 6 months? 2- (I have done a course in Java, but at that time I was not confident enough to make a fool of anyone in Java) Not to ask anything about Java course. I was OK with anything other then this (Technical or aptitude or puzzle). And no prize for the guess interviewer asked me both the questions other then some regular stuff. But on that day GOD was on my side so both the time when he asked me these questions, he got call from somewhere, and he forgot what he was asking before that call. And in the end after approx. 20 mins of interview he told me to wait outside, and wait for a call from HR.
And true to his words, I got a call from HR to go in some other room for one more round of interview. Now I thought 2 round of technical interview will make it difficult for me to get selected. But again praying to GOD that please listen to me this time I wont ask anything more after this i went into that room.
I don't know from where I got some energy to fool around the next interviewer, as he was asking me some programming in microprocessor, but I told him that I can tell you in C language, and he said OK. I did that. Then he asked me some puzzles, which I forced him to ask, as I said that I have interest in solving the puzzles. He gave me 3-4 puzzles, and every time he told me that if any puzzle is not new to me I should have told him beforehand. But I was not a fool. Neither I told him nor he get to know, that 2 puzzles I have heard and solved before. The pattern of asking question was he gave me one puzzle and some time to solve that, and went out of the room. I was able to answer 3 of his puzzle anyhow, and 1 solution that I gave was unorthodox. That was it in the second round. He also asked me to wait outside.
With butterflies in the stomach I was waiting, sitting on the sofa. Then HR and that guy have some discussion, and what I remember was HR guy came out from somewhere having a form to fill. At that moment I got the feeling that I have hit the jackpot. And finally he told me that now YOU-HAVE-BEEN-SELECTED-INTO-MBT. And that was the confirmation call. Last interesting point was, he asked my expectation, I being a jobless-6 months old-fresher told him anything around 10K will do, and in reply to this he told me that I will be getting 2.5 lacs per annum. I was more then happy after hearing this, and thus I got my first selection into an IT firm.
In the end I would like to say that if God has made a lock, then there must be a key, created by god.So no need to panic in any situation, just trust on GOD, everything will be fine.

1 comment:

Gaurav said...

yaar, sahi main... God has its own style of humor... sometimes yoou do not have answers to 'why I'm failed'... sometimes you do not have answers to 'what special I've prepared this time that I'm selected'... nobody knows but that was a tough time and all tough times have something to learn from... as we were not so fortunate to pass a college with an offer letter in hand, we made our own ways to success.. Life is certainly beautiful if we learn to wait till it calls for an opportunity...
