Saturday, November 22, 2008

2000-2001, one year of sheer endeavor

It was not clear for me which way should I go after completion of 12th due to lack of exposure. After so many round of suggestions and expert advices, preparation of engineering entrance in Kota seems to be the right option for me. So I reached Kota along with my brother and my father. I got admission in Career Point despite several starting glitches. Me, my brother and one of our friend from Mathura(Ashutosh) were companion in that 1 year long journey. We used to stay together in 2BHK flat in Dadabari, Kota. Irrespective of this being 8 year old story, I am able to recall all the incidents that took place over there.
Ambiance at that place was awesome, people used to study till wee hours of morning, and then rush to morning classes, a nap in afternoon, a evening walk to relieve stress and then again late night studies. Fortnightly tests were also there to make sure that we do not relax in between our studies, and result of that tests were displayed on the notice board. There were so many mess in and around that place, and food of those were really amazing. We opted for Anand mess, owner of which was a real good fellow. We used to go to his place for lunch/dinner on the days specially when there were cricket matches of India.To accommodate to a suitable place on the match day was also a big fight at that time. A hospital was also there in the close vicinity my place, actually it was a community hospital, which charges a mere Rs.10.
I admire each and every faculty at that place, be it Sonal Rajora/shailendra Maheshwari/Pramod maheshwari and so many whose names I am not able to recall now. Each and every faculty have their own way to present things, and make them interesting for us. And this was there charisma that even in long classes of 1.5 hours we rarely slept. There was a teacher of mathematics who used to say that feel the problem, and then only you will be able to solve the numerical. Pramod Maheshwari has his own approach to solve every physics numerical. He always divides the board in 3 parts to solve the problem, and interestingly every problem ends in bottom side part of the 3rd portion of the board. It means that board was just too perfect to solve the purpose.
After spending some time there, we were now familiar with our land lord who also resides there on the ground floor of that flat. We utilised this relation with our land lord and later on our place to see the match shifted to there guest room.In our leisure time we explored some options over there. There was Chambal Garden, which was not too far from our place and we used to go there occasionally. Onion kachoris and Dashara fare were also some of the major attractions of that place.
When I talk in terms of the output, or what did I gain from that place, it was a mixed feeling. I cleared IIT-JEE screening exam 2 times, but due to lack of interest in Organic Chemistry or I must say Chemistry, I was not able to clear the IIT mains exam, because in that exam each section has its individual cut-off. Finally this 1 year training course turn out be BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW.Finally with that preparation I got some rank in UPSEE exam, and I was fortunate enough that I got admission in a college near to my place. Later on this turned out to BE A BLESSING IN THE DISGUISE and at this moment I should not BEAT THE DEAD HORSE. But there were some positives to take away from that place as well, I got to know how to handle the crunch situation. That preparation helped me in my engineering exams, and I did fairly well in those.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Dedicated to my friend who has been in the same status and position after 6.5 years too. Its for Prerna. One of my best friend from college life. I never thought that we will be friend for so long. She was from IT branch, and I was from Electrical and electronics branch in our first year of college, which was 2001-02. After completion of our first year we had an option to change our branch and we both managed to change our branch to ECE. Till that time I was only aware about her name, nothing more than that. I don't know what she has heard about me, but later on I came to know only from her that she was curious to know who this Pankaj Saraswat is?She has heard about my arrogance and wanted to check that. I remember the day when we met for the first time in college when we were enrolling for our second year. She asked me something in English, but I answered that in my mother tongue Hindi. As we both were two creatures from different planet, there was nothing common between us other than our branch.And I am sure how my first impression would be on her, ( too arrogant) Anyhow we started to share a great bond. I liked the way she speaks, as English was like other planet's language at that time for me. At this time I don't know why and how but yes we talked a lot during that time.
One incident that we both will never forget was like our preparation leaves were on and my birthday falls during those days. As she didn't wish me on that day, she wished me casually once the college reopened. But somehow I was under this impression that she didn't wish me knowingly. After few months the ball was in my court, it was her birthday and I forgot to wish her. In the evening time when she was leaving from college by college bus, somebody told me that its her birthday. I ran to that bus and wished her. By that time what she was thinking was that I knew it was her birthday, but did not wish her knowingly. So not to disappoint her I said this to her that I did this intentionally. She thought I did this tit for tat.
And everything in this friendship was also not like as smooth as it sounds. We had some fights as well. All is well that ends well. To tease her I used to ask her some or other technical terms, or concept of our engineering, and in reply of this she started asking English words, sentences to me. We used to play a game of word formation in classes as well. She knows when I am joking and when I am serious. Though she has not seen much of this world, but If you will ask for advise from her, she will give you an advice as if she is DADI AMMA.
She was like a first point of contact for me in case I had any doubt in English. And this hold true today as well. Her mother's ALL THE BEST always works for me, as it always turns out in my favour. She has a strange liking for ginger biscuits, which I sent for her from Pune once. I guess if one removes the feeling of give and take from any friendship, that friendship will remain for ever. And I guess this holds true in this case. I just want to say thanks to Prerna for being such a great friend of mine.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ideal match

After completion of 3 years in job, the next stage according to our society values should be marriage. Just like winning toss in a cricket match is important,selecting an ideal maych is equally important in order to win ur life's match (Of course I am talking about arranged marriages).
So many thoughts come in individual's mind when he/she imagine his/her future would be. But before that if you are a little bit matured you will think whether or not you are ready for this stage of life. At the same time it depends on individual's family by when they want this (marriage) to happen for their child. Whatever I am writing are my own thoughts and may vary from person to person. While starting screening process everybody should understand that you are not Amitabh Bacchhan and you should not expect Rekha for you.
According to me age for a man to get married should be 27 plus minus 1, and at the same time it will depend on so many factors like whether or not you are settled in life i.e. you are earning enough to manage your family, and should also have a bank balance to overcome any emergency need. Once you reach this state, screening of bio-data starts. It is quite sure you can not select any one from there only, but anyhow some of those manage to go to the next round of process. In the mean time his/her background check starts.
Individual's do not leave any stone unturned to find anything and everything about the other candidate, and for this they go and try to find that person on orkut, and explore his/her profile as much as you can to try to find out who his/her friends are, find about him with his/her testimonial, scraps, earnings,educational qualification, marks, about their family,smoking,eating and drinking habits,hobbies and all that stuff. After seeing each other and talking to each other for quite some time to figure out nature of that person, individual can try to evaluate his/her profile again.
Individual's might have there own priorities, but the main thing according to me is that other person should be loyal to you if both of you have decided to tie the knot. His/her ex affair will not matter if you are honest to each other and you value the current relationship. After all arranged marriage is a kind of lottery because it is quite difficult to judge anybody in 1-2 months.
According to me I will be ready for the marriage once I will start getting 50K in hand, should have 3-4 lakh bank balance. I don't want for my family to wait for my next month salary to fulfill or complete their wish list. When I am there to see the girl, she should be honest. This blog might seems to be quite jumbled, but I hope I managed to communicate my idea. In the end I can only say that a bird in hand is better than two in bush, as to find out a better match you might waste time as well as you might also not get a better partner.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My first job experience(in Tech Mahindra)

Other than 1 day job that was not a job as such and about which I have already mentioned in my earlier blog ( )Tech Mahindra was my official first job, and the experience of so called first job lasted for 22 months. And at this point of time I can proudly say it was the sweetest duration(22 months) of my life.
As a reward of our successful training (about which as well I have mentioned in earlier blog)( we planned our Goa trip with friends(Saurabh, Shailesh, Amit, Puneet, Aditi, Anubha, Ananda, Lipika, Shweta,Ramit,Pooran,Arun,Minu, Natasha). A journey of volvo bus for 12 hours, pranks played by Shailesh and Pooran on Minu, some adventures in sea, accident of Lipika, many Churches and so many rides were some of major attractions of that marvelous trip.
Then after this awesome and well deserving break it was time for project allocation in the company. On a random basis our project allocation was done, with so many uncertainties and doubts our joining in project was done. Till that time a feeling was very strong in my heart that I have been recruited for Noida, and I should be sent to Noida ASAP. In fact complete batch was for Noida and no body from allocation team confirmed that which project will shift to Noida. So at the end of the day it was individuals luck for getting base location as Noida. And I was not fortunate enough to get Noida as my project location. Me, Ankit and Ananda joined the same project and out of us ananda was along with me in the automation task. From this point onward my fight for Noida transfer started.
With as much as 2 managers, and 3 senior managers changed during my struggle, No luck for me in getting transferred. Now till the time I was in Pune I also have to make sure that my stay in Pune should be memorable, and in achieving this target some friends helped me a lot and those are worth mentioning.
Ankit-Always gives you feeling of competition, but close to my heart.
Ananda-I should call her my buddy, as we share a great bonding.A gem of friend.
Anubha - A nice girl, sometime moody. course book worm.
Devendra Sir-ask him for advice, and he is always there with a positive solution, I have not seen any one else who loved Tech Mahindra more than him.
Saurabh Sir-Colleague of Devendra sir, a good friend.
Pranam-Colleague of Devendra sir, a good friend.
Rishikesh Memane(Rishi)-Team Lead in our project, but never behaves likewise. Will suggest you with best suggestion. A cool guy.
Swapna mam - Colleague of Saurabh sir, a good friend till time.
Sonali Nikam-A good friend with nothing to do with the politics in and around office.
Raghvendra-1 of my best friend till today, my school-then-company-friend.
Suman/Bhavna - We share a common workplace for ATT on 8th floor of our office. were good friends.
Kshama/Abha - very good friends, who knows when I am joking or viceversa.
So many more to discuss, but don't have so many adjectives to discuss about all of them, but simply all were superb. Had so many parties with some times small occasion and some time no occasion with various friends.
After so many attempts for getting transferred, somehow this thought came in my mind that if I will have any other offer letter with me, then I can negotiate for transfer. And for this Nobel cause of having another offer letter I tried in at least 5-6 companies, and out of which I got offer from 2 companies. On the backup of these 2 offer letters I resigned from Tech Mahindra on 5th June, and after so many round of discussion with manager and HR , opposite to my expectation last date was confirmed for 20th July. In place of transfer of location my transfer of company was about to happen. In between all this dilemma I have to attend my friends marriage on 20th July in Mathura. So I was so much tensed about all this situation, but amid of all this suddenly on 19th July I got this intimation that I can join in Noida Tech Mahindra but on different profile and for this I will have to take my resignation back. I agreed on this, and after a lot of paper work done in 1 day I took a flight of 20th Morning and attend that marriage.
On 23rd July I joined in Noida, in different project of manual testing which was not my profile.
But with the help of a nice team, no task in hand(at max I was occupied for 20% of time), some certifications, some more friends I completed my tenure with Tech Mahindra on 30th November. The time spent in Tech Mahindra will always remain a golden period for me. After 1 year of this time too i can think of this time, and it brings smile on my face. So thus I can conclude from it that we should always capture some positive points from every scenario of life.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Training days in Tech Mahindra, Pune

If you are regular reader of my blog, then you must have read my earlier blog (Interview in Tech Mahindra- Key to success). After that interview and some anxious moments(I must say days) I got my offer letter, but not true to my expectation joining was in Pune and to make matters worse it was approx. 7 days after receiving offer letter. I was in Noida at that time so I asked my father to book a ticket for me for Pune, and he did this booking in tatkal category in Jhelum express of 25th January 2006. That complete boggie was for tatkal category, and after some time I come to know that there were some more colleagues of mine(Saurabh, Anubha,Prerna,Rajesh,Aditi) in that same compartment although I was not aware about this.
Then there comes a girl(Abha) with her father from Bhopal in the same compartment, and whose seat was in front of mine only.But due to some misunderstanding her seat was given to some one else, but after some talk she got her seat back. I mentioned about Abha, because she was the first one in my friends list from Tech Mahindra batch who joined on 27th Jan 2006. Cutting short this train journey, I reached Pune on 26th Jan, and with one of my friend Himanshu Khanna(from my college) I left from station to his house in Karve Nagar. Next morning he helped me to reach to my office at Nul Stop. On 27th Jan 2006 we got our hotel rooms allotted with one room mate in a twin sharing room. My first booking in hotel till that time. And my room mate was Anand Singh(CS batch). During that 7 days stay in hotel I met some good friends of my life(Saurabh Jain, Anand Singh, Rajesh Dwivedi,Gautam Berry, Gaurav Bhatnagar, Parvesh Minocha, Puneet Wadhwa, Anuj Yadav, Arvind bhai(CS batch), Amit Khetan, Ankit Agrawal, Arun Taneja, Ashish Singhal, Ramit Chauhan, Navdeep Malik, Shailesh Gupta,Pattem Prasad, Kumaran) whose friendship I will cherish for the life time. There started our technical training in Seed Infotech, Prabhat Road in supervision of Gauri mam. I am sure nobody will forget her name. At Seed Infotech I met some more friends (Aditi, Anubha, Ananda, Minu, Natasha, Roopali,Lipika,Shweta,Nidhi). and then after 7 days we shifted in to a flat along with our flat mates.
Anand, Me, Saurabh, and Arun were the lucky one to share the flat that too with lot many manipulation with Tech Mahindra admin incharge(Jeetendra Mahajan aka jeetu). And this points onward our 3 month long journey for technical training started with keeping this point in mind that if we will not be able to clear our 7 exams in 10 attempts then we will be out of Tech Mahindra. Yes this was true and about this Abha alerted me in Train and after some time Umesh Ganjale (Tech Mahindra) confirmed this.
To expect from electronics and communication engineer to clear exams of Java, C++, Oracle, SQL, Unix, Testing concept and DBMS concept in mere 5/2 days of classes was enough to make matter worse, and if this alone was not enough we were supposed to clear these exams by creating programs for the problem statement, those were allotted to us on the run. Needless to mention if Gauri mam would not be there I am sure I would not be in Tech Mahindra at the first place, and I am sure all my friends must be in agreement of this statement. In unix exam I got meager 20 marks(boundary value), and for this exam i was confident that I will secure good marks, as I completed this exam in less than 75% of allotted time, I am still amazed how Amit managed to complete this exam in just 20-30 minutes out of 2 hours. In SQL paper one of my friends asked me to show the answersheet (no prize for guess as she was asking for cheating). I told her that I will give you my answersheet, and u can copy whatever you want to. I said this simply without having any bad intention, but later on I came to know that this had shown my arrogance nature to that girl. Anubha was the topper in that exam and got 19 marks out of 20 and we(We means Ananda, Anubha, Aditi, Saurabh,Ankit and me) got our first treat in Pune after our job. And Ankit if you remember our situation ahead of C++ module, we were literally nervous for this exam as I was not able to understood anything in that module. And the colleagues who are reading this blog must remember the face of Navdeep, whom I have never seen tensed. Even with more than 1 failure in any exam he was not tensed. I should really learn how to remain cool in such situation from Navdeep.
And as it is written all is well that ends well. We all who joined Tech Mahindra in 27th January batch and were colleague were more or less in the same situation. And we all managed to clear all the exams, and managed to join Tech Mahindra successfully. Hats off to our hard work and patience. I wish all the best to all of us in our career.