Wednesday, December 10, 2008

college once again

After a long wait here comes another blog. In between these blogs I have been to Pune and met my old colleagues of Tech Mahindra and yes one from Capgemini. How nice it feels when you meet you old pals, that too OUT OF THE BLUE for some of them. Some of them were guessing that I went there for some interview, of course I had not. It gives some kind of positive energy to you when you meet your old and good friends. So now without wasting too much of time I should start with the new story. This is actually not a story instead it is a combination of incidences and at the same time it is not a work of fiction. These are the incidences from my college life.
There was a teacher of communication who evaluated my sessional exam’s paper and had given me meager 14 marks out of 50, that was not justice to my caliber(as I thought at that time) so I went to that teacher’s cabin(it was lab in fact) and asked him what that was. At the same time he has given good marks to some of the gals as per the information that I got from my friends cum correspondents. He explained to me that I should have written in this manner or I should have added that. Had I wrote my paper according to him, that paper would never have finished in the allotted time? Then suddenly to show my anger and dissatisfaction to him I tore my answer sheet in front of him and came out of his lab. This was against his expectation and I should not have done that but I was not able to control my temper. Now you would be thinking that this would have created a mess for me, but no the result was that I got approx. 30 marks. He increased my marks in front of me after I re appear in front of him after he sent somebody to get hold of me.
Another incidence related to marks comes like this; a person got only 2 marks in his sessional exam. And don’t speculate, it was not me. He got only 2 marks as he had not attempted more than 1 question. When faculty showed us the answer sheet, that person wrote all the answers with the help of book and went to that faculty and complained him for not checking his questions. And yes he got 48 marks out of 50. so till this time this person who was involved in this incidence called by his nick name GURU.
Once there was an exam of antenna and wave propagation, and the readers who are from electronics background must be aware about the book by K.D.Prasad. at that time we used to got nightmare about that book. Exam was our end term university exam and was in 2PM shift. That was the day when India was playing a cricket match in Pakistan and Virendra Sehwag was at his best in Multan and hitting Pakistani bowlers all around the ground, and later on scored his triple century. I have to leave for exam from home at around 12.30 PM. And till 11.30 only 2 units out of 4 were completed. But this was not giving a scare to me as I was enjoying the match. Somewhere I was feeling that I will get enough marks to clear the exam so no need to study now. Later on I reached college within time. There I saw the exam pressure as everyone was doing last minute preparation. At that time I was thinking that I should have studied a little more, and when we were about to leave our books, I saw my friend Anshul was reading something from some book, I went to him and looked on what he was reading. I saw a numerical over there, and you might say it was God’s signal to me as I was feeling temptation to read that numerical. And No prize to guess that same numerical was there in the paper. I shall tell you I got 18 marks in that exam out of 50. And that numerical was for 6 marks. Now I can imagine that my study was just enough to score 12 marks and the passing marks were 15. God and Anshul saved me otherwise I might have to see what nobody would have loved to see.
Last incidence of this blog is like, Me along with my father was going to college for admission after my counselling was over. At the college gate guard asked us where we were going? in response to this my father told him that we are going to play cricket in college. Obviously he was not expecting this, so he again asked my father and this time my father told him that we are going for admission. This was enough for his satisfaction, after entry in the register he let us go to college. Some more funnier incidences are waiting to be transformed in words, I shall post them soon. Bye till then.

1 comment:

Prerna said...

hey Panks...great sense of humour !!!...wish I had torn a couple of my answer sheets too..for all you know,I would have a got a distinction !!!