Monday, November 3, 2008

My first job experience(in Tech Mahindra)

Other than 1 day job that was not a job as such and about which I have already mentioned in my earlier blog ( )Tech Mahindra was my official first job, and the experience of so called first job lasted for 22 months. And at this point of time I can proudly say it was the sweetest duration(22 months) of my life.
As a reward of our successful training (about which as well I have mentioned in earlier blog)( we planned our Goa trip with friends(Saurabh, Shailesh, Amit, Puneet, Aditi, Anubha, Ananda, Lipika, Shweta,Ramit,Pooran,Arun,Minu, Natasha). A journey of volvo bus for 12 hours, pranks played by Shailesh and Pooran on Minu, some adventures in sea, accident of Lipika, many Churches and so many rides were some of major attractions of that marvelous trip.
Then after this awesome and well deserving break it was time for project allocation in the company. On a random basis our project allocation was done, with so many uncertainties and doubts our joining in project was done. Till that time a feeling was very strong in my heart that I have been recruited for Noida, and I should be sent to Noida ASAP. In fact complete batch was for Noida and no body from allocation team confirmed that which project will shift to Noida. So at the end of the day it was individuals luck for getting base location as Noida. And I was not fortunate enough to get Noida as my project location. Me, Ankit and Ananda joined the same project and out of us ananda was along with me in the automation task. From this point onward my fight for Noida transfer started.
With as much as 2 managers, and 3 senior managers changed during my struggle, No luck for me in getting transferred. Now till the time I was in Pune I also have to make sure that my stay in Pune should be memorable, and in achieving this target some friends helped me a lot and those are worth mentioning.
Ankit-Always gives you feeling of competition, but close to my heart.
Ananda-I should call her my buddy, as we share a great bonding.A gem of friend.
Anubha - A nice girl, sometime moody. course book worm.
Devendra Sir-ask him for advice, and he is always there with a positive solution, I have not seen any one else who loved Tech Mahindra more than him.
Saurabh Sir-Colleague of Devendra sir, a good friend.
Pranam-Colleague of Devendra sir, a good friend.
Rishikesh Memane(Rishi)-Team Lead in our project, but never behaves likewise. Will suggest you with best suggestion. A cool guy.
Swapna mam - Colleague of Saurabh sir, a good friend till time.
Sonali Nikam-A good friend with nothing to do with the politics in and around office.
Raghvendra-1 of my best friend till today, my school-then-company-friend.
Suman/Bhavna - We share a common workplace for ATT on 8th floor of our office. were good friends.
Kshama/Abha - very good friends, who knows when I am joking or viceversa.
So many more to discuss, but don't have so many adjectives to discuss about all of them, but simply all were superb. Had so many parties with some times small occasion and some time no occasion with various friends.
After so many attempts for getting transferred, somehow this thought came in my mind that if I will have any other offer letter with me, then I can negotiate for transfer. And for this Nobel cause of having another offer letter I tried in at least 5-6 companies, and out of which I got offer from 2 companies. On the backup of these 2 offer letters I resigned from Tech Mahindra on 5th June, and after so many round of discussion with manager and HR , opposite to my expectation last date was confirmed for 20th July. In place of transfer of location my transfer of company was about to happen. In between all this dilemma I have to attend my friends marriage on 20th July in Mathura. So I was so much tensed about all this situation, but amid of all this suddenly on 19th July I got this intimation that I can join in Noida Tech Mahindra but on different profile and for this I will have to take my resignation back. I agreed on this, and after a lot of paper work done in 1 day I took a flight of 20th Morning and attend that marriage.
On 23rd July I joined in Noida, in different project of manual testing which was not my profile.
But with the help of a nice team, no task in hand(at max I was occupied for 20% of time), some certifications, some more friends I completed my tenure with Tech Mahindra on 30th November. The time spent in Tech Mahindra will always remain a golden period for me. After 1 year of this time too i can think of this time, and it brings smile on my face. So thus I can conclude from it that we should always capture some positive points from every scenario of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I am working for a software integrator company. My projects includes working on Java and Ruby on Rails and Ajax. I think Web Services is really cool. We also recently have to now work on REST and they are talking about mashups and Struts. Can anyone tell me if there are some good training or conferences so that me and my team members can get to speed with these technologies. Learning from books is not my cup of tea, even not when I was doing engineering ;)

All the help that group members can provide in this regard is much appreciated.
